Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Ski prep at Sandy's Ski Shack...

In preparation for the winter I've joined the local ski club, which could be interesting given that I'm naturally socially inept! Its the club with the longest name - The Inverness Backcountry Snowsports Club (!). I think it could be shortened, but och well who am I to say....

Sandy checks Duncan's work

scrape that P-tex
It has a thorough program of events on over the winter so pretty excited to join in some of the stuff they have planned. Of particular interest this week was the evening ski maintenance/prep session at Sandy's Ski Shack (house).

It was a fun night in the ski shack as Sandy showed us how to correctly prep the ski, P-tex holes, sharpen edges and wax up! Really useful night for me and the others who attended. So my ski's are honed and ready to go... just a shame that I'm not quite there!!

The ski jedi at work...

P-tex to shift....

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